KESRA 2023 Graduation Notice

KESRA #2023Graduation happening in

  1. The KESRA 20th Graduation ceremony is scheduled for 17th November 2023.
  2. The Graduation ceremony will be conducted physically.
  3. The clearance process shall be conducted through the Office of the Registrar- (Admissions & Student Affairs section) in collaboration with the various academic and non-academic units. Students are advised to pick two (2) clearance forms and a graduation form (1) from Admissions & Student Affairs Office 2nd floor (Main Campus) and Examinations Office (Mombasa Campus). Final deadline for submission of the clearance and graduation forms is 23rd October 2023 for ALL prospective graduands. This includes those students who were on desk training.
  4. The student’s order of names shall be in the following order: Surname, First Name and Middle Name as is indicated in the graduation application form.
  5. Once the provisional list has been uploaded, a student may address any concerns through (Attention: Registrar’s Office-Graduation) latest 25th October 2023.
  6. Each graduand (except KRA trainees) will be required to pay a non-refundable convocation fees of Kenya Shillings Five Thousand, (Ks 5,000) by 31st October 2023.

For all those students anticipating to graduate, please take note and comply accordingly.

In case of further clarification, please contact our Deputy registrar on email; All graduation related matters must be concluded on or before 1st November, 2023